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Current natural hazards situation in Switzerland

Updated on: 22.12.2024, 02:37
Complex visual representation of the current natural hazards situation in Switzerland. The identical information is available in text form below.

Current warnings issued for Switzerland

  (22 Messages) hide
  • Snow: Considerable danger, level 3

    Validity: 22.12.2024, 00:00 - 24.12.2024, 12:00
    - Warning valid above 1500 m a.s.l.
    - Possible impacts: Disruption to road, rail and air traffic. Risk of skidding owing to snow-covered roads
    - Recommendations for action: Before and during a car journey, get information on the driving conditions (radio, 163 telephone service), and follow the instructions issued by the winter road maintenance services. Clear snow from roofs (house, porch, conservatory etc.), and always take the appropriate safety pre-cautions when doing so. Be careful of snow sliding from roofs. Pay attention to daily avalanche bulletins and additional information from the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalance Research SLF
    - Expected amounts: above 1500 m a.s.l. 80 - 120 cm, above 800 m a.s.l. 40 - 80 cm
    - Snowfall limit: 1500 - 500 m (sinking)
    - Peak phase of the event: Sun 00 - Sun 18, Mon 00 - Tue 00
    - Intensifying conditions: accompanied by winds at gale force
  • Snow: Considerable danger, level 3

    Validity: 22.12.2024, 00:00 - 24.12.2024, 12:00
    - Warning valid above 1500 m a.s.l.
    - Possible impacts: Disruption to road, rail and air traffic. Risk of skidding owing to snow-covered roads
    - Recommendations for action: Before and during a car journey, get information on the driving conditions (radio, 163 telephone service), and follow the instructions issued by the winter road maintenance services. Pay attention to daily avalanche bulletins and additional information from the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalance Research SLF
    - Expected amounts: above 1500 m a.s.l. 90 - 130 cm, above 800 m a.s.l. 50 - 90 cm
    - Snowfall limit: 1500 - 500 m (sinking)
    - Peak phase of the event: Sun 06 - Sun 18
    - Intensifying conditions: accompanied by winds at gale force
  • Avalanches: Considerable danger, level 3

    Validity: 21.12.2024, 17:00 - 22.12.2024, 18:00
    New snow. Danger level "considerable" (3+) in all aspects above 1800m.
  • Avalanches: Considerable danger, level 3

    Validity: 21.12.2024, 17:00 - 22.12.2024, 18:00
    Wind slab. Danger level "considerable" (3-) in all aspects above 1800m.
  • Avalanches: Considerable danger, level 3

    Validity: 21.12.2024, 17:00 - 22.12.2024, 18:00
    New snow, Persistent weak layers. Danger level "considerable" (3+) in all aspects above 2000m.
  • Avalanches: Considerable danger, level 3

    Validity: 21.12.2024, 17:00 - 22.12.2024, 18:00
    New snow, Persistent weak layers. Danger level "considerable" (3=) in all aspects above 2200m.
  • Avalanches: Considerable danger, level 3

    Validity: 21.12.2024, 17:00 - 22.12.2024, 18:00
    Wind slab, Persistent weak layers. Danger level "considerable" (3-) in all aspects above 2200m.
  • Forest fire: Considerable danger, level 3

    Effective from: 20.12.2024
    More information on measures in force in the cantons to be found on the FOEN Website.
  • Snow: Moderate danger, level 2

    Validity: 22.12.2024, 06:00 - 24.12.2024, 12:00
    - Warning valid for all altitudes.
    - Possible impacts: Slippery conditions due to snow-covered roads
    - Recommendations for action: Familiarise yourself with the driving conditions (by listening to the radio, calling the 163 service) before and during any journeys by car, and follow the instructions of the winter road maintenance services. Equip your car for winter (e.g. fit winter tyres and snow chains). Pay attention to daily avalanche bulletins and additional information from the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalance Research SLF
    - Expected amounts: 20 - 50 cm
    - Snowfall limit: 500 - 1000 metri (sinking)
  • Snow: Moderate danger, level 2

    Validity: 22.12.2024, 00:00 - 24.12.2024, 12:00
    - Warning valid above 500 m a.s.l.
    - Possible impacts: Slippery conditions due to snow-covered roads
    - Recommendations for action: Familiarise yourself with the driving conditions (by listening to the radio, calling the 163 service) before and during any journeys by car, and follow the instructions of the winter road maintenance services. Equip your car for winter (e.g. fit winter tyres and snow chains). Pay attention to daily avalanche bulletins and additional information from the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalance Research SLF
    - Expected amounts: above 500 m a.s.l. 10 - 40 cm, above 800 m a.s.l. 40 - 80 cm
    - Snowfall limit: 1500 - 500 m (sinking)
  • Snow: Moderate danger, level 2

    Validity: 22.12.2024, 00:00 - 24.12.2024, 12:00
    - Warning valid above 1000 m a.s.l.
    - Possible impacts: Slippery conditions due to snow-covered roads
    - Recommendations for action: Familiarise yourself with the driving conditions (by listening to the radio, calling the 163 service) before and during any journeys by car, and follow the instructions of the winter road maintenance services. Avoid travelling by car
    - Expected amounts: above 1000 m a.s.l. 40 - 80 cm
    - Snowfall limit: 1500 - 500 m (sinking)
  • Snow: Moderate danger, level 2

    Validity: 22.12.2024, 00:00 - 24.12.2024, 00:00
    - Warning valid above 1000 m a.s.l.
    - Possible impacts: Slippery conditions due to snow-covered roads
    - Recommendations for action: Familiarise yourself with the driving conditions (by listening to the radio, calling the 163 service) before and during any journeys by car, and follow the instructions of the winter road maintenance services. Equip your car for winter (e.g. fit winter tyres and snow chains). Pay attention to daily avalanche bulletins and additional information from the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalance Research SLF
    - Expected amounts: above 800 m a.s.l. 5 -10 cm, above 1200 m a.s.l. 15 - 30 cm , above 1600 m a.s.l. 40 - 70 cm
    - Snowfall limit: 400-800 metri
  • Snow: Moderate danger, level 2

    Validity: 22.12.2024, 00:00 - 24.12.2024, 00:00
    - Warning valid above 1000 m a.s.l.
    - Possible impacts: Slippery conditions due to snow-covered roads
    - Recommendations for action: Familiarise yourself with the driving conditions (by listening to the radio, calling the 163 service) before and during any journeys by car, and follow the instructions of the winter road maintenance services. Equip your car for winter (e.g. fit winter tyres and snow chains). Pay attention to daily avalanche bulletins and additional information from the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalance Research SLF
    - Expected amounts: above 800 m a.s.l. 5 - 10 cm, above 1200 m a.s.l. 10 - 20 cm, above 1600 m a.s.l. 15 - 35 cm
    - Snowfall limit: 500 - 800 metri
  • Wind: Moderate danger, level 2

    Validity: 22.12.2024, 00:00 - 24.12.2024, 12:00
    - Possible impacts: Breaking of smaller branches.
    - Recommendations for action: Secure any freestanding objects outdoors or move them to a sheltered spot (e.g. plant pots, garden furniture, bicycles, etc.) before the wind event begins.
    - Highest wind gusts in exposed locations: above 2000 m 100 - 140 km/h
    - Main wind direction: west to northwest
  • Wind: Moderate danger, level 2

    Validity: 22.12.2024, 00:00 - 23.12.2024, 00:00
    - Possible impacts: Breaking of smaller branches. Toppling of objects inadequately secured or free-standing objects. Increased swell on lakes
    - Recommendations for action: Secure any freestanding objects outdoors or move them to a sheltered spot (e.g. plant pots, garden furniture, bicycles, etc.) before the wind event begins. Stay away from forests, trees and tree-lined avenues. Keep off exposed places such as rooftop areas and rock ledges
    - Highest wind gusts in exposed locations: in the plains 70 - 90 km/h, above 800 m 80 - 110 km/h
    - Main wind direction: southwest to west
  • Wind: Moderate danger, level 2

    Validity: 22.12.2024, 00:00 - 23.12.2024, 00:00
    - Possible impacts: Breaking of smaller branches.
    - Recommendations for action: Secure any freestanding objects outdoors or move them to a sheltered spot (e.g. plant pots, garden furniture, bicycles, etc.) before the wind event begins.
    - Highest wind gusts in exposed locations: above 2000 m 100 - 130 km/h
    - Main wind direction: southwest to northwest
  • Slippery roads: Moderate danger, level 2

    Validity: 21.12.2024, 23:15 - 22.12.2024, 09:00
    - Possible impacts: Risk of skidding
    - Recommendations for action: Stay informed about the driving conditions (through radio, 163 telephone service, TV, media).
    - Type of the danger: danger of slippery roads due to snow crust, above 400 m a.s.l.
  • Avalanches: Moderate danger, level 2

    Validity: 21.12.2024, 17:00 - 22.12.2024, 18:00
    Wind slab. Danger level "moderate" (2=) in all aspects above 1600m.
  • Avalanches: Moderate danger, level 2

    Validity: 21.12.2024, 17:00 - 22.12.2024, 18:00
    Wind slab, Persistent weak layers. Danger level "moderate" (2=) in all aspects above 2200m.
  • Avalanches: Moderate danger, level 2

    Validity: 21.12.2024, 17:00 - 22.12.2024, 18:00
    Wind slab, Persistent weak layers. Danger level "moderate" (2+) in all aspects above 2200m.
  • Forest fire: Moderate danger, level 2

    Effective from: 20.12.2024
    More information on measures in force in the cantons to be found on the FOEN Website.
  • Avalanches: No or minor danger, level 1

    Validity: 21.12.2024, 17:00 - 22.12.2024, 18:00
    Wind slab. Danger level "low" (1)
This message is currently only available in German .

Naturgefahrenbulletin des Bundes

Ausgabedatum: Samstag, 21. Dezember 2024 11:00 Uhr
Nächste Information: Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2024 11:00 Uhr

Intensive und anhaltende Schneefälle in den Alpen  

In der Nacht auf Sonntag setzen intensive und teilweise anhaltende Niederschläge ein, in den tiefen Lagen anfangs noch in Form von Regen. Ab Sonntagmittag sinkt die Schneefallgrenze kontinuierlich bis in tiefe Lagen. Mit Winddrehung auf Nordwest dauern die Schneefälle in den Alpen und insbesondere am Alpennordhang bis Dienstagvormittag an.  
Prozess Stufe Betroffene Gebiete von bis
Schnee 3 Alpen, Alpennordhang 22.12.24, 00 Uhr 24.12.24, 12 Uhr

Wetter - Aktuelle Situation  (Stand: 21.12.2024, 11:00 Uhr)

Eine schwache Störung hat in der Nacht auf Samstag am zentralen und östlichen Alpennordhang oberhalb 1500 Meter 5 bis 15 cm Neuschnee gebracht.

Wetter - Prognose  (Stand: 21.12.2024, 11:00 Uhr)

Wahrscheinlichste Entwicklung

Ein okkludierendes Frontensystem erreicht uns in der Nacht auf Sonntag, wobei in einer ersten Phase mit starkem, in den Bergen stürmischem Westwind Warmluft zum westlichen und zentralen Alpenraum strömt. Ab Sonntagmittag dreht die Strömung auf Nordwest bis Nord, wobei die Schneefallgrenze von anfangs 1000 bis 1500 Metern sukzessive bis in tiefe Lagen sinkt. Die anschliessende Nordstauphase bringt im Alpenraum und insbesondere am Alpennordhang anhaltenden und teilweise intensiven Schneefall, der voraussichtlich am Dienstag in der ersten Tageshälfte von West nach Ost nachlässt.

In den gewarnten Gebieten fallen oberhalb von rund 1500 Metern mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit 80 bis 130 cm Neuschnee. In den angrenzenden inneralpinen Gebieten sowie in den nördlichen Voralpen und in den mittleren Höhenlagen zwischen 800 und 1500 Metern sind 40 bis 80 cm, in den tieferen Lagen 10 bis 40 cm zu erwarten.

Aufgrund der starken Strömung aus Sektor Nord werden die Schneefälle auch die angrenzenden Regionen südlich der Alpenkette betreffen, dementsprechend wurde eine Stufe 2 für diese Regionen ausgegeben. Die Schwellenwerte der Stufe 3 werden wahrscheinlich nur lokal erreicht, besonders in einer kleinen Region zwischen dem Bedrettotal und dem oberen Maggiatal.

In den Hochalpen weht am Sonntag ein stürmischer West- bis Nordwestwind. In der Nacht auf Montag dreht der Wind auf Nord und lässt etwas nach, weht bis zum Ende des Ereignisses am Dienstag jedoch weiterhin stark.


Am Sonntag liegt die Schneefallgrenze zunächst auf 1000 bis 1500 Metern. In engen, abgeschlossenen Talkammern Graubündens und allenfalls auch Zentralwallis und Obergoms ist Schneefall bis in tiefere Lagen bereits in dieser ersten Phase möglich.

Die vorliegenden Prognoseunterlagen zeigen derzeit eine grosse Spannweite. Die zu erwartenden Neuschneemengen divergieren insbesondere in den Hochalpen teils bis zu einem Faktor zwei, wobei teilweise unrealistisch hohe Neuschneemengen von bis zu zwei Metern in der ausgegebenen Warnung bewusst nicht berücksichtigt wurden.

Der stürmische Wind wird in den Bergen zu beträchtlichen Schneeverfrachtungen führen. Die am Ende des Ereignisses gemessenen Neuschnee- und Gesamtschneehöhen dürften daher grosse räumliche Unterschiede aufweisen.

In den Niederungen werden mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit geringe Neuschneemengen vorausgesagt. In weiten Teilen des Flachlandes wird keine oder nur eine dünne Schneedecke erwartet.